Five Things I Don’t Miss About San Francisco.

After 2 years and 23 days – not that I was counting –  my family and I moved back to Singapore from San Francisco. In that time I don’t think I met anyone who didn’t love San Francisco when they visited or had spent some time working there

We’re not happy… unless you’re not happy

I find the best way to approach air travel with or without kids these days especially on any American airlines – United Airlines in particular – is to quietly and eventually get on the plane and say absolutely nothing to anyone unless explicitly spoken to.

Singapore Once More, Lah!

I am planning a trip back to Singapore – my adopted city state and it started me contemplating what I miss about the Lion City. For sure, there are things I am not so keen on revisiting along with plenty that I am.

What being Irish means to me

I was back in Dublin with my family (British husband and two children) in March of this year. My husband tried to hide his Britishness as best as he could. Sensibly so, given it was during the Easter Rising celebrations.

Trump Time? Or is that Pinocchio?

I can’t help myself. It’s too bizarre and impossible to ignore as a new arrival to the US. I am firsthand witness to a series of unfortunate events, and I know it’s something that will be talked about for years to come.