Five Things I Don’t Miss About San Francisco.

After 2 years and 23 days – not that I was counting –  my family and I moved back to Singapore from San Francisco. In that time I don’t think I met anyone who didn’t love San Francisco when they visited or had spent some time working there

Singapore Once More, Lah!

I am planning a trip back to Singapore – my adopted city state and it started me contemplating what I miss about the Lion City. For sure, there are things I am not so keen on revisiting along with plenty that I am.

To tan or not to tan.

Dublin weather in December may not immediately make you think of tanning, but a stroll along Grafton Street might make you think twice. You’ll see some very tanned people, even in the middle of a cold wet spell. I noticed this on a recent visit and it made me think about the Irish interest in being bronzed….

What being Irish means to me

I was back in Dublin with my family (British husband and two children) in March of this year. My husband tried to hide his Britishness as best as he could. Sensibly so, given it was during the Easter Rising celebrations.

You mean I need to look after my kids all the time?

I had both my daughters in Singapore, a country that has been called “Disneyland with the death penalty,” among other things. It’s the “Disneyland” bit I want to focus on. Originally meant as a pejorative reference to a country that can seem like a bubble, to me the term implies a place that is self contained, unique and most importantly, safe and fun for kids.

Drink: how to get it, how to drink it and how much to drink

Alcohol consumption is taken very seriously in the US. More seriously it seems than drug taking (if the pungent aroma of weed on many streets in San Francisco is to be taken as evidence) and this is a very strange concept for an Irish person to grasp. I knew before coming here that there was…

You say Potato, I say Po-tah-to

It’s the little differences that make living here strange. Sometimes it’s only the words we use to describe common occurrences that creates the difference.